Well hey there amigo, I humbly want to say thanks for stoppin by and takin interest in what this girl is doing! While you read, Keep in mind that the ideas and thoughts expressed in this thing are mine and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Peace Corps or the United States government...blah blah blah...go read!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Brrrr. No place like home

My toes were a little chilly when I stepped off the airplane in Omaha.
What a week to make the transition from my tropical life! Walked right back into a blizzard wearing flipflops.
That's right folks, I traded sweating for shivering, black for white people, portuguese for English, rice and shrimp for pizza and milk, students for family Ben and friends. I'm home until January. Anyone want to hang out? So it was 105 degrees when I left Angoche. And here its -5. No big deal. Just a 110 degree difference.
Papa Frems.

When I told people in Angoche that it's cold where I'm from they say
"oh you mean like our winter?"
Nah, not exactly. You guys wear puffy down jackets and stocking caps for 60 degree weather because you're goofy. Where I'm from, ice falls from the sky and stays on the ground without melting.
"Do you have to wear a jacket?"
Yes. And boots, mittens, scarves, and hats.
"What happens if you leave your house?"
You mean without a jacket? Well, you could die if you stay out too long.
"Why do people live there?"
Smile. I dunno. Hot chocolate?


Mashed potatoes...a lot. Toam and I made em.
How we going to keep them cold if Katie doesn't have a refrigerator?
Oh well, they'll be ok if we eat them soon enough, right?
Did Miguel, Hammer, and Katia get a turkey?
They didn' have time to find a turkey.
How much are ducks? Lets get 2. The lady at the bungalow will cook em for us.
A sail boat ride to Chokas Mar.
I think one duck is sick.
Lady who usually cooks for us is not there.
Is there anyone else who can cook our ducks?
One duck escapes.
Hammer catches him again.
Anyone wanna play scrabble?
Can that kid cook our ducks?
He's like 9 years old.
Who cares. They know how to do that stuff.
No one in sight for miles in each direction on the beach.
Perfectly azure water.
Is it time to try to make stuffing?
How do you make stuffing?
Just some veggies, bread, and some sort of bird juice?
Mashed potatoes are fermenting. Ew.
More beach.
Did anyone start the stuffing?
What are you reading?
Anyone in the hammock?
Sun burn.
Katia on guitar. "Octopus with one tentacle gone"
Stuffing looks weird.
They're back with the ducks!
Oooo, kinda tough.
Stuffing is interesting.
Pumpkin pie saves the meal, nice work David.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Beach Babies

Last trip to Praia Nova for the year. We got to go with our favorite Moz fam.

Shamik. We're in love.

My roomie and Danish (they're in love) and the boys' beautiful mom, and our friend Tonisha.
Sand art lessons from Tia (aunt) Alexi.

Thanks mom for sending the spider-man kites. This guy loved them!

Not long after this, he accidentally let the kite go and his Tia Xirene had to chase it down the beach to the amusement of the local village people.

Ahhh. Gotta love it.